Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Dress-Up Guide

By Allie Fernandes
It has been an interesting week full of costumes and face paint here at Cumberland High School but if the four days of dress up were not enough for you then you are in luck. Halloween is Friday. Now if you are anything like me and my friends, you probably still are not exactly sure what you are going to be wearing. Whether you are still going trick-or-treating (sixteen years with no sign of stopping!) or going to a Halloween party, you want to have a good idea that does not scream, “I did this last minute.”
If you do make your costume last minute, please do not be that person who gets a bed sheet, cuts our eyeholes and then says he is a ghost. If you are going to do that, at least be creative about it and have one friend wear a striped red shirt and carry a blue blanket and a sign with “Welcome Great Pumpkin” written across it so you can say you are Charlie Brown and Linus. Wrapping yourself in toilet paper to be a mummy or dressing up like a friend who is also going to be wherever you decide to go are also lame ideas.
There are good ideas our there if you look for them. You could always go with the costumes that are sure to be popular this year. According to several different Halloween costume websites, you are sure to see many kids and teens dressed as the Hulk, Ironman, Batman or the Joker on Friday. It is also likely that there will be several Indiana Jones clones running from door to door. Time period costumes are always popular such as a hippy, a gypsy or a Mod fashion girl. Zombies, fairies, angels, pirates and devils are of course always options and the variety with the costumes you can find for those is enormous.
There are always the less seen but really creative costumes. There are a lot of celebrities who do not have real costumes of them but you could easily make them. That also works for costumes for characters in movies and TV shows. Disco dancers, and prom queens are less common than many other costumes on the market as full costumes or in pieces. Disney princesses are also pretty easy to make or buy as costumes and they are well known, getting rid of the awkward explaining-the-costume moments.Whatever it is that you decide to be on Halloween, it is all about how you act in it. Do not do anything stupid and do not stop yourself from eating candy because that’s really all this holiday has come to be about anyways. Most importantly have fun playing dress up! We only get to do it a few days a year.

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